Freedom House Church and Healing Centre

Praise is Rising!

Praise is Rising!

As I have been praising God for all the wonderful things He has been doing in and through His people, I was reminded of the Word for the church of Jesus Christ, “More Darkness-More Light.”  You can read this Word in my blog dated January 2, 2022.

As I read this Word again I was overwhelmed with God’s faithfulness.  This Word is being fulfilled.  In the Word, God warns His church that there will be more evil, more deception, more trials, challenges, testing and tribulations.  There will be more persecution.  There will be more intense battle!  I’m sure that you will agree that this has been happening.

At the same time, God said to His church, “Ask for more!”  “The more you ask and seek, the more you will find.  The more you use what I have given you, the more you will be given.”  “So that, as there is more darkness, there will be more light”. 

The Lord said, “Church, ask for and seek more wisdom and revelation, more discernment, more perseverance and more faith.  Be more watchful, more steadfast and more obedient.  Put into practice more of the ‘one another’s especially the command to love and encourage one another.

The Lord said, “As you ask for, seek and receive more of these things, there will be more repentance (Mt 3:2), refining (Zech 13:9), maturity (1 Jn 2:5), holiness (1 Thess 3:13), boldness (Acts 4:31), opportunity (1 Co 16:9), power (Acts 1:8) and authority (Lk 10:19).  More demonstration of My kingdom!”

I don’t know about you, but I have been witnessing the fulfillment of this Word in and through His people!  As there is more darkness, THERE IS MORE LIGHT!  I would like to share with you some of what I am seeing and hearing.  I pray that you will be encouraged and join me in praising God!

I disciple 2 young women and we started to study the gospel of John together.  After studying most of chapter 1 I asked them what stood out to them the most and they both said verse 5!  The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. (John 1:5 NIV)  WOW!  This led to a discussion about as followers of Jesus we are light in this dark world and are to reflect the light of Jesus everywhere we go.  We talked about being new creations who no longer walk according to the flesh but according to the Spirit.  We talked about holiness and living our lives set apart to God.  That means we need to get to know God and His will and ways so that we will turn from sin, our old lives and turn to God and walk in the newness of life.  I love discipling new believers!

Last week, my dear friend and I started to lead a bible study on the book of Daniel.  There are 14 women attending!  It struck me how each woman has purposed in her heart to be a woman set apart to God.  A woman with an uncompromising spirit and courageous commitment to love and follow Jesus. Praise the Lord!

 I have witnessed Holy Spirit convicting believers of sin leading to repentance, renouncement, turning to God and making a decision to make Jesus Lord of these areas and follow Him.  I have witnessed a salvation and a baptism.  I have witnessed God’s faithfulness in answering prayers-in His way and His timing!  I have witnessed and heard about Jesus healing and setting captives free! 

I have witnessed young women turning back to God and making a decision to follow Jesus with their whole heart.  I have heard of these same young women being discipled, meeting weekly with a mentor and studying the bible together.

I have experienced and heard testimonies of more opportunities opening up to share the Gospel, testify and share of the goodness of Jesus in our lives and the great things He is doing!  One sister in the Lord put it perfectly after she met with a group of ladies, “It was heartwarming to be able to share those glory stories, and to be reminded that God is still on the move, even when it may not look the way we expect it to look.”

 “Hasn’t this been happening all along?” you ask.  “What is so different now?”  This is what the Lord showed me.

As we see the Day approaching, the church of Jesus Christ is seeking God above all else, pressing in to know Him more and desiring to follow Jesus in obedience.  Holy Spirit is working to make her holy.  Jesus is coming back for His bride.  She will be glorious, holy and without blemish. (Eph 5:26-27 NKJV)  She will be prepared. (Rev 19:7 NLT)

The kingdom of God is advancing!  Not because of wishful thinking, fanciful attitudes based on emotion or rejection of responsibility (sins of presumption-desiring the promise of God without living a life for God-Ps 19:13 NKJV) but because God is faithful to enable His church to press in, persevere, stand firm, be obedient, desire holiness and to purpose in our hearts to love, trust in and follow Him alone!  More and more, the church of Jesus Christ is offering a devoted heart and commitment to serve Jesus regardless of life circumstances.  It is hard work but possible in the power of Holy Spirit!  Which is why, as there is more darkness, THERE IS MORE LIGHT! 

And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force. (Mt 11:12 NKJV)

The law and the prophets were until John. Since that time the kingdom of God has been preached, and everyone is pressing into it. (Lk 16:16 NKJV)

As I am writing this blog I am reminded of a Word from the Lord declared over His Church back in November 2017.  He declared, “You shine like stars.” (Phil 2:15 AMP)  This was an exciting Word.  These Words the Lord spoke out over His Church were very loud and powerful.  The Lord is fulfilling this Word as He is working in His church a desire to truly be a church who looks like we belong to God, serving God and offering to everyone the good news about Jesus Christ!  You can read more about this Word in my blog dated March 28, 2021.

The words, ‘praise is rising’ from the song Hosanna by Paul Baloche have been on my heart all week.  Read and meditate on the words and join me in praising God for who He is and what He is doing.

“He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.” (Rev 2:7 NKJV)

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