Freedom House Church and Healing Centre

Good morning Church, 

Another long weekend - Isn't summer great!

I'm writing to you from Sioux Lookout, where it is a balmy 9°C. Cool morning, but beautiful blue sky. Yesterday after church, we went for a plane ride over the area. It is the yearly blueberry festival here, and there were $20 plane rides offered, which give amazing views of the small town beautifully nestled in amongst all the lakes and forests. Incredible! Then we went fishing and caught our supper. Holidays are great!

Speaking of supper, we have another "eating" story. This one is of a "great supper" that will take place in the future. The invited guests made excuses why they could not attend, and so those who were originally excluded from the feast were now invited to partake (14:15-24). The included were now excluded, and the excluded were now included - a complete reversal. Why? One group rejected, while the other accepted the invitation. Most commentators will say this is a picture of the Jews rejecting Jesus' offer into the kingdom, and those who accept are the Gentiles. But more practically, this story applies to all who hear the invitation to come to Jesus to enjoy fellowship with Him. Many have heard the invitation, and many have made excuses why they could not participate in the life Christ is offering. Sharing a meal is sharing life! Jesus is inviting us all into His life, yet putting other things before Him will exclude us from the life He offers. Notice some of the things that get in the way: a new piece of property which needs attention (a house?) (v.18); oxen to try out (a tractor, a car?) (v.19); a spouse (v.20). What is getting in the way for you? Observation and experience affirms that houses, vehicles and family are common distractions to following Jesus. 

Naturally, this leads right into the next portion of scripture (14:25-35) - counting the cost of following Jesus. The cost will definitely be choosing Jesus over family (v.26), dying to self, and enduring suffering for Christ (v.27). Jesus says it like this, “Simply put, if you’re not willing to take what is dearest to you, whether plans or people, and kiss it good-bye, you can’t be my disciple(v.33 MSG). Here is the reason Jesus is looking for those who will give up everything to follow Him -  so that they can impact (season) the world around them with truth and righteousness (34-35).  “Salt is excellent. But if the salt goes flat, it’s useless, good for nothing. “Are you listening to this? Really listening?” (v.34-35 MSG)

Friends, the world needs to hear about the great supper our King will throw at the end of the age. The Master has chosen us as "his servant" to go and invite people to join in the feast. Have we first counted the cost, and said a whole-hearted yes to following Jesus, so we can clearly communicate what the invitation entails. The good news is Jesus wants us with Him at the great supper! We just might have to alter our plans in order to attend. Worth it? Absolutely! Count me in!

Here is a great little video you can watch with your children:

Have an amazing week!


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